checking if a string can be rearranged to form a palindrome

By | 26 days ago

javajobsjavascriptbackendkeralacareersdot net

Certainly! Here's how you can implement the palindrome rearrangement check in JavaScript. This solution follows a similar logic to the Python version but adapted for JavaScript's syntax and standard libraries.

JavaScript Code:

function canFormPalindrome(str) { const freq = {}; // Count the frequency of each character for (let char of str) { freq[char] = (freq[char] || 0) + 1; } let oddCount = 0; // Check how many characters have an odd frequency for (let count in freq) { if (freq[count] % 2 !== 0) { oddCount++; } } // If more than one character has an odd count, it cannot be a palindrome return oddCount <= 1; } // Example usage const inputString = "carerac"; console.log(canFormPalindrome(inputString)); // Output: true


  1. **Frequency Count**: The `freq` object stores the number of times each character appears in the string.

  2. **Odd Count**: We traverse the frequency object to see how many characters have an odd frequency. For a string to be rearranged into a palindrome:

    • At most one character can have an odd frequency, as it would be the center character in an odd-length palindrome.
  3. **Return**: The function returns `true` if the odd count is less than or equal to one, allowing the string to potentially be rearranged into a palindrome, otherwise false.

This code snippet will work well for most basic cases in a coding interview scenario. Be sure to test it with different inputs to ensure it behaves as expected under various conditions.