Installing and Setting Up Angular for Development: A Complete Guide

By | 29 days ago


# Installing and Setting Up Angular for Development: A Complete Guide

Angular is a popular platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript. It is developed and maintained by Google and offers a powerful set of tools and features for developers. This blog provides a detailed guide on how to install and set up Angular for development, including creating your first Angular application.


Before you start, ensure you have the following installed:

  • **Node.js**: Angular requires Node.js. It is recommended to install the latest stable version.

  • **npm (Node Package Manager)**: npm is included with Node.js, which helps with installing libraries and packages.

Step 1: Install Node.js and npm

If you don’t have Node.js and npm installed, follow these steps:

For Windows and macOS:

  1. Visit the Node.js website.

  2. Download the installer for the latest stable version.

  3. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

  4. After installation, open your command line or terminal and type `node -v` and `npm -v` to verify that Node.js and npm are installed correctly.

For Linux:

You can install Node.js and npm using a package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you can run:

sudo apt update sudo apt install nodejs npm

Verify installation by running `node -v` and npm -v.

Step 2: Install the Angular CLI

The Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool to initialize, develop, scaffold, and maintain Angular applications.

Install the Angular CLI globally by running:

npm install -g @angular/cli

Verify the installation by running:

ng --version

This command will display the installed version of the Angular CLI.

Step 3: Create a New Angular Project

Now that you have the Angular CLI installed, you can create a new Angular project using:

ng new my-first-angular-app

This command will prompt you for some options about the project, such as whether you'd like to add Angular routing (choose yes or no based on your project needs) and which stylesheet format you prefer.

Step 4: Serve Your Application

Navigate into your project directory:

cd my-first-angular-app

Start the development server using the Angular CLI:

ng serve

By default, `ng serve` starts the server on port 4200, and your application will be available at http://localhost:4200. The Angular CLI also watches for file changes and rebuilds the application as needed.

Step 5: Explore Your New Angular Application

The default Angular application displays a simple welcome message and links to further information about Angular. You can start modifying the application by editing the `src/app/app.component.html` file. For instance, change the template to display your custom message or add new components and services to expand your application.


You now have Angular installed and a new project set up and ready for development. Angular provides a comprehensive framework with a rich ecosystem for building dynamic and scalable single-page applications. Happy coding!