Flutter styling cheat sheet
By | 9 months ago
Creating a Flutter styling cheat sheet can be very helpful when building various types of UIs. Here's a comprehensive cheat sheet that includes essential properties and widgets you'll often use in Flutter to style and layout your application:
Basic Widgets for Layout
**Container**: For single child layout, supports padding, margins, borders, and more.
**Row**: Horizontal layout of children.
**Column**: Vertical layout of children.
**Stack**: Overlay widget, lets you stack widgets on top of each other.
**Padding**: Adds padding around a child widget.
**Center**: Centers its child widget.
**ListView**: For a scrollable list of widgets.
**GridView**: For a grid-like arrangement of widgets.
Text Styling
**Text**: The basic widget for showing text.
**TextStyle**: To style text elements. Attributes include:
`decoration` (like underline)
Colors and Decoration
**Color**: Define using `Colors.red` or
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**BoxDecoration**: Use with Container for background color, borders, and shadows. Properties:
Buttons and Icons
**ElevatedButton**: Button with elevation (shadow).
**FlatButton**: Now deprecated, replaced by
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**IconButton**: Button with an icon.
**Icon**: Displays icons, uses the material icons library.
Input and Forms
**TextField**: For input fields. Customize with `decoration` for labels, borders, etc.
**Form**: Wrap multiple form fields for validation.
**DropdownButton**: For selectable dropdown lists.
Spacing and Alignment
**SizedBox**: For fixed size spacing or to give dimensions to a widget.
**Expanded**: Expands a child of Row, Column, or Flex.
**Align**: Aligns its child within itself and optionally sizes itself based on the child's size.
Useful Utilities
**MediaQuery**: Get size, orientation, and other media-related properties.
**Theme**: Access theme data like colors and font styles from the MaterialApp theme.
Example Usage
Container( padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0), color: Colors.blue, child: Text( 'Hello, Flutter!', style: TextStyle( color: Colors.white, fontSize: 20, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ), ); Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround, children: <Widget>[ Icon(Icons.share), ElevatedButton( onPressed: () {}, child: Text('Share'), ), IconButton( icon: Icon(Icons.thumb_up), onPressed: () {}, ) ], ); TextField( decoration: InputDecoration( labelText: 'Enter your username', border: OutlineInputBorder(), ), );
This cheat sheet covers the basics and can be extended based on specific requirements and custom styling needs in your Flutter applications.