is bloc in any way similar to redux? so i can learn it by relating?

By | 9 months ago

Blocreduxstate managementflutter

Yes, the Bloc (Business Logic Component) pattern in Flutter can be conceptually similar to Redux, and understanding one can certainly help you grasp the other more effectively. Both are state management tools that help in managing an application's state in a predictable way, but they implement different methodologies and principles. Here’s a comparison of the two to help you relate them:

Conceptual Similarities

  1. **Centralized State Management**: Both Bloc and Redux centralize the state management of an application, making it easier to manage global states that need to be shared across multiple parts of your application.

  2. **Immutable State**: Both patterns encourage the use of immutable state. In Redux, the state is immutable and every change returns a new state. In Bloc, changes to the state are made through emitting new state objects.

  3. **Unidirectional Data Flow**: Both use a unidirectional data flow model:

    • **Redux**: Actions are dispatched, which are processed by reducers to produce a new state.

    • **Bloc**: Events are added to the Bloc, and in response to these events, the Bloc emits states.

Structural and Functional Differences

  1. **Event Handling**:

    • **Redux**: Uses a single reducer function (or multiple reducers combined together) that takes the previous state and an action, and returns a new state. It’s typically a pure function.

    • **Bloc**: Uses a stream of events to trigger state changes. Bloc reacts to incoming events and outputs states. Each event handled by a Bloc can trigger complex asynchronous operations before emitting a new state.

  2. **Middleware vs Business Logic Components**:

    • **Redux**: Middleware in Redux can intercept actions before they reach the reducer, allowing for side effects, asynchronous actions, and more.

    • **Bloc**: The logic is often encapsulated within the Bloc itself, which can manage asynchronous operations, handle side effects, and emit states directly without external middleware.

  3. **Debugging**:

    • **Redux**: Has strong tooling like Redux DevTools, allowing you to track actions and state changes over time, rewind and replay actions.

    • **Bloc**: Provides ways to observe changes in Bloc states and events, and tools like BlocObserver can be used for debugging and observing state changes.

Learning Bloc Through Redux Concepts

If you're familiar with Redux, here are some ways to relate the concepts to Bloc:

  • Think of **Redux actions** as **Bloc events**. Both trigger changes in your application’s data layer.

  • **Reducers** in Redux are somewhat similar to the event handlers in Bloc, which determine how the state should change in response to events.

  • The **Redux store** can be likened to the collection of Blocs/Cubits in an application, where each holds and manages its own part of the overall application state.


While the implementations and specific details differ, the core philosophy of controlling state changes and making them predictable and manageable is a common goal shared by both Bloc and Redux. If you understand Redux, you are well-positioned to grasp Bloc by relating events to actions and reducers to the logic within a Bloc that handles these events to emit new states. This understanding should provide a solid foundation as you explore Bloc in the context of Flutter applications.