To use Docker along with Microsoft SQL Server on Windows, you'll generally follow these steps:
By | 9 months ago
To use Docker along with Microsoft SQL Server on Windows, you'll generally follow these steps:
**Ensure Prerequisites**:
Make sure your Windows version supports Docker Desktop and that it is configured to use Windows containers or both Windows and Linux containers. Docker Desktop for Windows allows you to switch between Linux and Windows containers.
Ensure that Docker Desktop is running.
**Pull the SQL Server Docker Image**:
Open your command prompt (CMD) or PowerShell.
Pull the Docker image for SQL Server. Microsoft provides Linux-based images for SQL Server that you can use. Run the following command:
docker pull \`\`\`
**Run SQL Server in a Docker Container**:
Use the following command to create and run a SQL Server container. Replace `
` with a strong password: docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=<YourPassword>" -p 1433:1433 --name sqlserver -d \`\`\`
This command sets the necessary environment variables, maps port 1433 on your local machine to port 1433 in the container, and runs the container in the background.
**Connect to SQL Server**:
You can connect to the SQL Server instance running inside the Docker container using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or any other tool that supports SQL connections. Use the following connection details:
**Server name**: localhost,1433
**Login**: sa
**Password**: `
` (the one you used in the docker run command)
**Restore Database**:
Before you can restore a database, you need to have a backup file (.bak) available inside the Docker container. You can copy the backup file from your host machine to the container using:
docker cp path\to\your\backup.bak sqlserver:/var/opt/mssql/backup.bak \`\`\`
Connect to your SQL Server instance using SSMS.
Right-click on the "Databases" folder and select "Restore Database".
Select "Device" and then "Add" to browse for the .bak file located at `/var/opt/mssql/backup.bak` in the container.
Follow the prompts to restore your database.
**Management and Maintenance**:
Use SSMS for ongoing management of your SQL Server instance.
You can start, stop, and manage your Docker container using Docker Desktop or via the command line using commands like
docker start sqlserver
,docker stop sqlserver
, etc.
That's a basic setup to get SQL Server running in Docker on a Windows machine and to perform a database restore. Let me know if you need more detailed help on any specific step!